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Certified Partner by Google Adwords, SHOUT! will increase your sales thru online marketing strategies!
Posted On: 07 May 2014

Web design to increase your organic traffic

Although anyone can build a website in this day and age, not everyone can use great web design to optimise and drive traffic to it.

web design MalagaInclude a blog

We have said it many times, content is key to increasing your search engine rankings (search engine optimisation or SEO). Make a blog section on your website and create interesting and informative content that people will read and share. Make yourself en expert in your field.

Provide clear and easy to use social sharing buttons

Make sure the buttons link up to your social networks, they are functional and easy to find. If a link doesn’t work or they are tiny little buttons hidden away, then people just won’t share your content. Social Media Marketing is a huge part of driving traffic to your website so make it easy or people just won’t bother.

Have a Q&A or FAQ’s section

Most people don’t want to take the time to send you an email to ask a question. If you have a section right there on your website, for them to ask a simple question they will hang around a little longer and may even become a sale. Alternatively you could add an FAQ section where the most commonly asked questions are answered for people to search for.

Maintain it

Check your website regularly, do the links work? Does each page load as it should? Are you uploading regular, high quality content? Nobody will take you seriously as a company or a business if your website is shoddy and poorly maintained.

Make it functional

Is your site easy to navigate? Web design should be clear and defined; if people can’t find out what you do or where to contact you then they will go elsewhere. A simple and functional design is essential to keeping people interested. Our Web Design Malaga Company is called in to fix simple problems all too often, which could have been avoided in the first place with a little forethought.

Make it mobile friendly

A huge percentage of browsing is done on mobile devices. If your website is not optimised for mobiles then people will not visit your site, it is as simple as that.

Offer a freebie

Use social media marketing to offer a free gift to your followers, this encourages people to visit your website to claim their gift, they may even stay to have a look around! A gift can be an e-book offering free advice in your chosen field, or it could be a product that you sell or perhaps a discount voucher of some kind.

If you are not sure how to do all of the above you will need the services of an online marketing agency such as Shout! to show you the way.
